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peagreenlast Wednesday at 10:22 PM2 repliesview on HN

I love this diagram. Is there a tool that generates such things? Or is there a name for this style of diagram that I could search for?

My prime use would be generating diagrams of function call chains in large Python code bases.


bandie91yesterday at 1:46 PM

i am also interested in this.

i found vijual[1] and mermaid-ascii[2] are good starting projects.

[1]: http://www.lisperati.com/vijual/ [2]: https://github.com/AlexanderGrooff/mermaid-ascii

johnisgoodyesterday at 1:39 PM

How about pycallgraph that can be exported to Graphviz?

FWIW it is called evolutionary or lineage (or hierarchical lineage) diagram I believe.