Edit after skimming arxiv preprint[1]:
Yeah, this is pretty huge. They achieved the result with surface codes, which are general ECCs. The repetition code was used to further probe quantum ECC floor. "Just POC" likely doesn't do it justice.
(Original comment):
Also quantum dabbler (coincidentally dabbled in bitflip quantum error correction research). Skimmed the post/research blog. I believe the key point is the scaling of error correction via repetition codes, would love someone else's viewpoint.
Slightly concerning quote[2]:
By running experiments with repetition codes and ignoring other error types, we achieve lower encoded error rates while employing many of the same error correction principles as the surface code. The repetition code acts as an advance scout for checking whether error correction will work all the way down to the near-perfect encoded error rates we’ll ultimately need.
I'm getting the feeling that this is more about proof-of-concept, rather than near-practicality, but this is certainly one fantastic POC if true.
[1]: https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.13687
[2]: https://research.google/blog/making-quantum-error-correction...
Relevant quote from preprint (end of section 1, sorry for copy-paste artifacts):
In this work, we realize surface codes operating below threshold on two superconducting processors. Using a 72-qubit processor, we implement a distance-5 surface code operating with an integrated real-time decoder. In addition, using a 105-qubit processor with similar performance, we realize a distance-7 surface code. These processors demonstrate Λ > 2 up to distance-5 and distance7, respectively. Our distance-5 quantum memories are beyond break-even, with distance-7 preserving quantum information for more than twice as long as its best constituent physical qubit. To identify possible logical error f loors, we also implement high-distance repetition codes on the 72-qubit processor, with error rates that are dominated by correlated error events occurring once an hour. These errors, whose origins are not yet understood, set a current error floor of 10−10. Finally, we show that we can maintain below-threshold operation on the 72qubit processor even when decoding in real time, meeting the strict timing requirements imposed by the processor’s fast 1.1µs cycle duration.
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You got the main idea, it's a proof-of-concept: that a class of error-correcting code on real physical quantum chips obey the threshold theorem, as is expected based on theory and simulations.
However the main scaling of error correction is via surface codes, not repetition codes. It's an important point as surface codes correct all Pauli errors, not just either bit-flips or phase-flips.
They use repetition codes as a diagnostic method in this paper more than anything, it is not the main result.
In particular, I interpret the quote you used as: "We want to scale surface codes even more, and if we were able to do the same scaling with surface codes as we are able to do with repetition codes, then this is the behaviour we would expect."
Edit: Welp, saw your edit, you came to the same conclusion yourself in the time it took me to write my comment.