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sonimanyesterday at 10:32 AM3 repliesview on HN

HN just had a "Whoops we undercounted plant C02 absorption by 40% for the last 40 years" post so I would say the errors mostly go in one direction.


arrowsmithyesterday at 11:41 AM

Isn't that overly pessimistic, not optimistic?

Surely if plants are absorbing more CO2 than we thought, that's a good thing for climate change? (More CO2 absorbed by plants -> less CO2 staying in the atmosphere -> less warming. No?)

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krisoftyesterday at 10:57 AM

I don't understand this reasoning. How does the presence of a single recent post on HN say anything about if the errors go in one direction or in both directions?

marcosdumayyesterday at 4:04 PM

The errors on direct influences to warming have been overwhelming on the "too optimistic" direction. We are above the most pessimistic predictions from decades ago.

The errors on consequences of the warming... I'm not sure one can even talk about them without citing specific studies, because those things tend to have undefined timeframes and way into the future contexts (like this 4°C one... is this even possible to achieve by burning fossil fuels?)