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highwaylightsyesterday at 11:17 AM1 replyview on HN

This can be done. Not sure how on Windows/bitlocker but certainly with cryptenroll. Essentially you’d wrap this in your bootscript, though.

So password (or pin) encrypts passphrase, passphrase encrypts LUKS and goes to TPM, then you need to reverse the process for your init script (request password, decrypt passphrase, exchange with TPM to decrypt LUKS), but it depends on your appetite for planning that out.


mateusz834yesterday at 11:39 AM

Wouldn't this work with some kind of PKDF instead?

Like: Password ---> PKDF ---> PIN

And then Password XOR (Key from TPM) -> LUKS

But i guess this kind of logic is not for a bootscript, but for tools like systemcd-cryptenroll.