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Reverse engineering Call of Duty anti-cheat

528 pointsby deverton01/20/2025214 commentsview on HN



I experienced the trust factor (banning, w/o banning officially) issues on my Linux CS:GO account in 2021, dropping to yellow and then red. This made it difficult to find teammates, as I was constantly matched with cheaters.

I discovered I wasn't alone, as many other Linux users with Radeon GPUs and 16GB+ VRAM were experiencing similar problems. We created a GitHub issue to track the problem and try to find a solution: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csgo-osx-linux/issues/2630

After some investigation, we found that Valve was punishing Linux users with certain hardware configurations (radeon cards with >=16GB of VRAM, which were quite new at this time).

Eventually, after a user reached out to gaben directly, the issue was fixed: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csgo-osx-linux/issues/2630#...

I suspect this was because Valve was preparing to launch the Steam Deck, and gaben wanted to ensure that Linux users had better experience with the device (just a guess).

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Cheating is ultimately a human problem. You can have some safeguards and heuristics like the ones the article describe, to weed out 90% the most blatant cheaters, so I think anticheats like these are fundamentally a good thing. But the anti-cheat can and should err on the safe side because ultimately it should be the players and admins themselves that sort this out.

Online multiplayer games must (yes must) take place on servers with human admins. Admins should be present for a majority of the time any players are playing.

Ideally with admins the players recognize. Bonus points if players themselves can perform some moderation when no admin is present (votekick, voteban etc). There is no difference between kicking cheaters and kicking people who are abusing chat etc. Obviously this means that "private" or "community" servers are the only viable types of server for online multiplayer games.

This process of policing cheaters and other abuse can not be something that is done via a reporting system and handled asynchronously. Kicking/banning must be done by the admins of the game, and it must be handled quickly.

If you are considering buying/playing an online multiplayer game and it doesn't have this functionality (e.g. the only way to play online is via matchmaking on servers set up by the publisher, and the only way cheaters and chat abusers are policed is via some web form) then please, avoid that game. Vote with your wallet.

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A 2-year legal battle with Activision to overturn a false permanent ban. Activision showed up with zero evidence of cheating and lost: https://antiblizzard.win/2025/01/18/my-two-year-fight-agains...

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I'm very curious about the jump obfuscation. Maybe somebody who's done more reverse-engineering can answer this for me:

  a) Are unconditional jumps common enough that they couldn't be filtered out with some set of pre-conditions?

  b) It seems like finding the end of a function would be easy, because there's a return.  Is there some way to analyze the stack so that you know where a function is returning to, then look for a call immediately preceding the return address?
Apologies if I'm wrong about how this works, I haven't done much x86 assembly programming.
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Needs to be a law against the taking away of product functionality after the sale, even if it's contractual/EULA. A ban should never take the game away from the owner, and in cases where it does then they need to be refunded (treble damages on top of license, lawyer, and court fees if it takes a judgment to induce the refund). Getting banned on Steam, say, in the sense that all of one's purchases are invalidated should be impossible legally. In cases where an account is prevented from login, items and inventory must still be accessible for trade as those represent real time effort put in by a paying customer. Want to enforce your code of ethics in a multiplayer game? Can't charge for the game or users legally have rights against bans, and bans must follow a proportionality continuum and you must have a human-attended cost capped (at license cost, and only on loss) appeals tribunal system with record.

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You don't even need to cheat at COD. They are so buggy they'll do it for you. They'll load a gun in place of your knife in ranked. They clearly have a faulty case/if-else statement in the ranked gun loadout checker to allow that and also to default to XM4 if the gun shown in the load out picker isn't allowed.

It's probably the only game I know of where the ranked version is more broken than the casual version...


Where did you learn how to do this? I would love to learn more about understanding half of what this article said but I don’t know how to start.

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I have been doing a bit of reverse engineering on a popular Horde/Alliance based MMO game and it follows almost the exact same steps (including the FNV32 export hashes). It almost seems very similar as I have seen it employ very similar tricks. I wonder if it's packed using the same protection?

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Signature scanning is indeed the hot shit.

It's like the most addicting part of reverse engineering to me. Building signature lists, and then writing bindings to scripting languages to call those function pointers.

It's also the foundation of how many third-party mod platforms work, because you need to build a meaningful API to modders that isn't exposed by the first-party.

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Wouldn't it be possible or relevant to periodically, electronically sign the game state, to prevent cheating? Or with some proof of work?

I am starting to think that cheat are just too hard to fight against, I am making a small, cheap online FPS, and I would let users trust each other instead, and hunt cheaters themselves, or maybe use AI like valve is doing. I would not bother have a anti cheat software.

Also players would have to manage and administrate their servers themselves.

Players would require to have a cellphone number attached, have a reputation score given by other players, maybe give an id or some other strong auth method, manual verification with like a photograph, like it's done for some dating apps. Players would have to play like 10 hours before they could play competitive.

I am confident hardcore players would be motivated to do all those things to make sure there are fewer cheaters.

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I don’t play this game, but my partner does. I sometimes see him “spectating” a player that is below the ground - regardless of if the client is hacked/cheating, aren’t there some server-side checks that the player state is valid?


As much as I loved that article, I'm not sure it's really moral thing to do.


Phenomenal piece of research. Clearly this is not the author's first rodeo :)


I mostly quit gaming when I realized (load times+match maching+updated) < time playing.

and that was before drm and anti chat rootkits.

imagine having to upgrade my pc just to run memory obfuscation sha256. whole industry is like the 80s processed food era just advertise, don't even matter what you're selling.


Not really relevant, but this triggered a memory of being around 14 years old and getting scammed on Runescape which drove an evil character arch from me to somehow find out how to DDOS players in the duel arena and make absolute bank. I still feel a little guilty about my actions to this day. At the same time, I'm surprised that at 14 I was able to find and pay for a denial of service provider and figure out players IP addresses to intentionally disconnect them


Cheating in multiplayer games has become such a huge problem, it has destroyed trust across every major FPS.

I am a long time CS player, but I did briefly play one of the new CoD games, before they went crazy with Nicki Minaj skins and bong-guns.

A person was so convinced I was cheating, they started doing OSINT on me while still in a match, and they found my old UnKnOwNcHeAtS account as some kind of proof that I am cheating (that account was 12 years old by that point).

I abhor cheating, and I have a lot of interest in computer science, so of course I wanted to see how all of it works and did my research during my youth, taking care to never compromise the competitive integrity of the games I played, but if you look around, there is not a single game that I can recommend to people anymore.

Games like Escape From Tarkov are so busted, cheaters are stealing the barrels off people's guns and crashing their game/PC on command.

My beloved counter-strike's premier competitive game mode has a global leaderboard that acts as a cheat advertisement section within the game.

Games like Valorant are a cut above the rest on account of their massively invasive anti-cheat, but are nowhere near as clean as most fans claim, I mean, you could write a cheat for the game using nothing but AHK and reading the color of a pixel.

There is a whole industry of private matchmaking for counter-strike, built solely on the back of their anti-cheat and promises of pro-level play to the top players.

EDIT: I found the screenshot, it was MPGH not UnknownCheats, but yeah, they also had a game ban on their account.

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As long as you can read and write to memory, you'll never stop cheating in multiplayer games.

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As long as you can read and write to memory, you will never stop online cheating in FPS games.

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