And functional programmers would argue that contravariance is the real meaning of Liskov’s substitution principle:
From the article:
Again, kudos to Uncle Bob for reminding me about the importance of good software architecture in his classic Clean Architecture! That book is my primary inspiration for this series. Without clean architecture, we’ll all be building firmware (my paraphrased summary).
What does clean architecture have to do with building firmware or not? Plenty of programmers make a living building firmware. Just because they don't need/can't/want to apply clean architecture in their code, doesn't mean they are inferior to those who do.
Furthermore, after a snippet which I suppose it is in Kotlin, there is this:
While mathematically a square is a rectangle, in terms of behavior substitutability, it isn’t. The Square class violates LSP because it changes the behavior that clients of Rectangle expect. Instead of inheritance, we can use composition and interfaces
The Liskov principle is about one of the three types of polymorphism (so far): subtyping polymorphism. Which is about inheritance. Composition is _not_ subtyping. And interfaces (be it Java's or Kotlin's) are another type of polymorphism: ad-hoc. Even Wikipedia[1] has the correct definition:
Ad hoc polymorphism: defines a common interface for an arbitrary set of individually specified types.
Therefore, the examples of interfaces aren't compliant with LSP as well.
I understand the good intentions behind the article, but it left much to be desired. A proper research to at least fix the glaring errors should have been made beforehand.
Here to recommend this article, really helped me to understand inheritance better. Liskov Substitution is just one aspect / type of it and may conflict with others.
Like most articles on "Inheritance" this is clueless about providing any "real meaning/understanding". People always take the soundbites (eg. Uncle Bob SOLID) provided as a mnemonic as being the end-all, don't fully understand the nuances and then usually arrive at a wrong conclusion.
LSP ( has to do with behavioural subtyping guaranteeing semantic interoperability between types in a hierarchy. It involves not just the syntax of function signatures but their semantic meaning involving Variance/Invariance/Covariance/Contravariance and their guarantees using an extension to Hoare Logic i.e. Preconditions/Postconditions/Invariants (derived from Meyer's DbC). Thus without enforcing the latter (which is generally done via documentation since there is no syntax for expressing pre/post/inv directly in most languages) the former is incomplete and thus the complete contract is easily missed/forgotten leading to the mistaken belief "Inheritance is bad". The LSP wikipedia page links to all the concepts, the original papers and more for further clarification.
See also Bertrand Meyer's Using Inheritance Well from his book Object Oriented Software Construction, second edition book -
Finally see Barbara Liskov's own book (with John Guttag) Program Development in Java: Abstraction, Specification, and Object-Oriented Design for a "correct approach" to OOP. Note that Java is just used as a example language while the principles are language independent.
If I remember correctly, Liskov didn't talk about inheritance but subtyping in a more general way. Java, C++ and other, especially statically typed, compiled languages often use inheritance to model subtyping but Liskov/Wing weren't making any statements about inheritance specifically.
I don't feel the rectangle/square example is valid, given that both alternatives follow different designs - there's no Shape base class in the inheritance example. Moreover, I don't think that switching from a base (abstract) class to an interface is enough on itself to call it composition.
The two issues the article mentions have imho less to do with the LSP itself, and more with the limitations that different programming languages have when it comes to define contracts through interfaces (not the same thing), like the lack of exception specs or non-nullability enforcement.
> class Square : Rectangle() { ...
What if instead of Rectangle class we would have ReadonlyRectangle and Rectangle? Square could then inherit from ReadonlyRectangle, so code expecting only to read some properties and not write them could accept Square objects as ReadonlyRectangle. Alternatively if we really want to have only Square and Rectangle classes, there could be some language feature that whenever you want to cast Square to Rectangle it must be "const Rectangle" (const as in C++), so again we would be allowed to only use the "safe" subset of object methods.
I thought there were more but these are the only two interesting prior threads I could find. Others?
A better explanation of the Liskov Substitution Principle - - Nov 2023 (1 comment)
The Liskov Substitution Principle (2019) - - May 2020 (93 comments)
Better to think of LSP as more of a gray scale than all or nothing. The more the APIs match, the more substitutability you gain.
Switching to composition has its advantages but you do lose all substitutability and often need to write forwarding methods that have to be kept in sync as the code evolves over time.
A problem that only exists in OOP codebases. Just don't do it and avoid the issue entirely.
SOLID and clean code are not some universal bible that is followed everywhere, I spend a considerable amount of effort reasoning juniors and mid levels out of some of the bad habits they get from following these principles blindly.
For example the only reason DI became so popular is that you could not mock static in Java at the time. In FB codebase DI was also used in PHP until they found a way to mock static, after which the DI framework was deprecated and codemods started coming in removing DI. There is literally nothing wrong in using a factory method or constructing what you need on demand. These days static can also be mocked in Java and if you really think about it you see Spring Boot adds a lot of accidental complexity (but sure its convenient and well tested so its ok to use), concepts like beans and beanfactories are not essential for solving any business problem
Which brings me to S in SOLID, which I think is probably top 2 worst principles in software engineering (the no 1 spot goes to DRY). Somehow it came from some early 2000-s TDD crowd and the test pyramid, it makes sense if you embrace TDD, mocking, test pyramid and unit tests as a good thing. In reality that style of software is really hard to understand, every problem is split into 1000 small pieces invoking each other usually in some undefined ways, no flow can be understood without understanding and building a mental model of the entire 1000 object spaghetti. The tests themselves mostly just end up setting a bunch of mocks and then pretty much coupling the impl and the test on method call level, any change to the impl will cause the tests to break for only the reason that the new method call was not mocked. After going through all this ceremony the tests are not even guaranteeing the thing will work during runtime since the db, kafka or http was mocked out and all the filters, listeners, db validations were skipped. In these days so called integration tests with docker compose are a lot better (use actual db or kafka, wiremock the http level), that way your have a reasonble chance to catch things like did this mysql jdbc driver upgrade broke anything
I have to mention DRY also, the amount of sins caused in name of DRY by juniors is crazy, similar looking lines get moved into a common function/method/util all the time and coupling is introduced between 2 previously independant parts of the system. As the code involves and morphs into something different the original function starts getting more args to behave differently in one case and differently in another case, if it had been left as separate files each could evolve separately. I dont really know how to explain this better than coupling should not be introduced to save few lines of typing or boilerplate, in fact any abstraction or indirection should only be introduced when its really needed, the default mode should be copy/paste and no coupling (the person adding a cross cutting PR will likely not be a jr and has enough experience to know how and when to use grep).
Anyhow I have enough experience to know people are usually too convinced that all this solid, clean code stuff is peak software so I wont expect to change anyones thinking with 1 HN post, it usually takes me 2 years or so to train a person out of this and back to just putting the damn json in db without ceremony. Also need to make sure LLM-s have some good data that is based on experience and not dogmas to learn from :)
As for L, no strong beef with L it’s OK
BTW, if not everyone knows who MIT's Liskov is - Turing award winner -
Sh*t, just realized that Liskov SP collides with LSP from Language Server Protocol :(
Liskov Substitution is good sometimes actually
Do yourself a favor and wear yourself off all this SOLID, Uncle Bob, Object Oriented, Clean Code crap.
Don't ever use inheritance. Instead of things inheriting from other things, flip the relationship and make things HAVE other things. This is called composition and it has all the positives of inheritance but none of the negatives.
Example: imagine you have a school system where there are student users and there are employee users, and some features like grading that should only be available for employees.
Instead of making Student and Employee inherit from User, just have a User class/record/object/whatever you want to call it that constitutes the account
data class User (id: Int, name: String, email: String)
and for those Users who are students, create a Student that points to the user data class Student (userId: Id, blabla student specific attributes)
and vice versa for the Employees data class Employee (userId: Id, blabla employee specific attributes)
then, your types can simply and strongly prevent Students from being sent into functions that are supposed to operate on Employees etc etc (but for those cases where you really want functions that operate on Users, just send in each of their Users! nothing's preventing you from that flexibility if that's what you want)and for those users who really are both (after all, students can graduate and become employees, and employees can enroll to study), THE SAME USER can be BOTH a Student and an Employee! (this is one of the biggest footguns with inheritance: in the inheritance world, a Student can never be an Employee, even though that's just an accident of using inheritance and in the real world there's actually nothing that calls for that kind of artificial, hard segregation)
Once you see it you can't unsee it. The emperor has no clothes. Type-wise functional programmers have had solutions for all these made up problems for decades. That's why these days even sane Object Oriented language designers like Josh Bloch, Brian Goetz, the Kotlin devs etc are taking their languages in that direction.
Liskov substitution will not save you. One of the worst cases of inheritance I've ever seen was in a hierarchy that was a perfect Liskov fit -- an even better fit than traditional examples like "a JSON parser is a parser". See
The fundamental problem with inheritance, and one not shared by any other kind of polymorphism, is that you can make both upcalls and downcalls within the same hierarchy. No one should ever use inheritance in any long-term production use case without some way of enforcing strict discipline, ensuring that calls can only go one way -- up or down, but not both. I don't know to what extent tooling to enforce this discipline exists.
(Also I just realized I got punked by LLM slop.)