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vetromlast Wednesday at 6:48 PM3 repliesview on HN

Signal (and basically any app) with a linked devices workflow has been risky for awhile now. I touched on this last year (https://news.ycombinator.com/context?id=40303736) when Telegram was trash talking Signal -- and its implementation of linked devices has been problematic for a long time: https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/626.pdf.

I'm only surprised it took this long for an in-the-wild attack to appear in open literature.

It certainly doesn't help that signal themselves have discounted this attack (quoted from the iacr eprint paper):

    "We disclosed our findings to the Signal organization on October 20, 2020, and received an answer on October 28, 2020. In summary, they state that they do not treat a compromise of long-term secrets as part of their adversarial model"


diputsmonrolast Wednesday at 7:54 PM

If I'm reading that right, the attack assumes the attacker has (among other things) a private key (IK) stored only on the user's device, and the user's password.

Thus, engaging on this attack would seem to require hardware access to one of the victims' devices (or some other backdoor), in which case you've already lost.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't seem particularly dangerous to me? As always, security of your physical hardware (and not falling for phishing attacks) is paramount.

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inor0gulast Wednesday at 8:58 PM

The attack in that paper assumes you have compromised the user's long term private identity key (IK) which is used to derive all the other keys in the signal protocol.

Outside of lab settings, the only way to do that is: - (1) you get root access to the user's device - (2) you compromise a recent chat backup

The campaign Google found is akin to phishing, so not as problematic on a technical level. How do you warn someone they might be doing something dangerous in an entire can of worms in Usable Security... but it's gonna become even more relevant for Signal once adding a new linked device will also copy your message history (and last 45 days of attachments).

tomrodlast Wednesday at 11:07 PM

If one doesn't use the linked device feature, does that impact this threat surface?

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