The thing in the video moves slower than the sloth in Zootopia. If you die by that robot, you probably deserve it.
From a different robot (Boston Dynamics' new Atlas) - the system moves at a "reasonable" speed. But watch at 1m20s in this video[1]. You can see it bump and then move VERY quickly -- with speed that would certainly damage something, or hurt someone.
They are designed to penetrate Holtzman shields, surely.
Are you saying it cannot move faster than they because of some kind of governor?
or if you're old, injured, groggy from medication, distracted by something/someone else, blind, deaf or any number of things.
it's easy to take your able body for granted, but reality comes to meet all of us eventually.
As a sibling comment implies though, there's also danger from it being stupid while unsupervised. For example, I'd be very nervous having it do something autonomously in my kitchen for fear of it burning down my house by accident.